On Monday, Fox Weather launched its new 24 hour weather app. The high-tech streaming service…
Dr. Elizabeth Austin is elected to private sector of 2017 AMS Council
Dr. Elizabeth Austin, CCM of WeatherExtreme Ltd. has been elected to the 2017 American Meteorological Society Council. The Council is the principal governing body of the Society. It consists of the elective officers, the last two Past-Presidents, and 15 other voting members of the Society, each elected for a three-year term, with one-third retiring each year. Councilors are eligible for reelection but not to consecutive terms. The Executive Director and Secretary–Treasurer shall be members of the Council ex-officio and without the power to vote.
The Council is in general charge of the affairs of the Society, responsible for ensuring that reasonable actions are taken to accomplish the objectives of the Society outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws.
Congratulations Dr. Austin!!
For additional information on the AMS Election information, click here
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